I draw cars, places, and people.

Age 30, 27

Joined on 11/9/16

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redfoxbennaton's News

Posted by redfoxbennaton - January 19th, 2025

I hope people stop being a nostalgic for a time they never lived in and glorify weak times where people would go on MySpace and pretend to be obsessed with stupid things like being scene or colorful animals

Strive for better things instead.




Posted by redfoxbennaton - April 25th, 2024

Someone once told me I live in a nice new apartment in my hometown this is only a half-truth. My life is a fucking lie and I hate it. It's all because I got horny on main and abandoned my friend 2 years ago. I would have had the best time in the world but I couldn't and all because of some bitch named Gen.

After I broke up with Alyssa I got bored and gained a clingy girlfriend named Gen and she kept texting me and calling me and annoying me. I lost my interest in her after days. And she wanted to get married and I lied to her that I wanted to get married. One day her stupid degenerate ass ate a key. She felt stupid but she broke up. I broke up with her but she still stalks me to this day. After this and you can't make this up I became so stressed,cold, and rickety that I got horny on main and my friend caught me. He got so mad at me that I had to block him. I felt dead to myself. All those times I pretended to be sad in Ventura I never thought I be so sad, so tarnished, so humiliated. SO DEAD and so Afraid!

I felt so physically sick by the time this happened. There where Migrains in my head, my back began to hurt, I felt like there was a scratching in my throat, knots in my stomach, knots in my my muscles. I never felt more disabled than what I did to myself. I became incredibly profoundly addicted to my computer. I had no mental health. I felt numb.

By the time I cut ties with my friend everything seemed to go back to normal for everyone else. Elon Musk was head of Twitter, Corona Virus diminished, Kiwifarms was being shut down with all their Nazi friends, and Elden Ring came out.

I was this close to healing from all my problems from 2016 to 2021 but then THAT happened. I was going to be a star. I was going to be myself again. Fox fursona and everything. I was going to be like nothing you've ever seen before. The best version of me. I could have been with my best friend. We would have enjoyed ChatGPT together. He could have critiqued my art and made it better. We could have made cartoons together!

But no, I had to be afraid my whole life. No, I had to keep pornographic pictures of myself AND distribute them online when life was just about to get better but also SO MUCH WORSE.

I never thought I miss living in Ventura because there it would never happened. I miss the charming nights of main street. How youth was fleeting yet it was so colorful and alive,

The ocean breeze

The sunsets

The chaparel hills,The tense cold nights

Dancing to music, The open apartments full of young

Living in Ventura was like living in a movie set

It will never be the same.

Now a days you could say it's better. But it simply not

I live in a large apartment

With warmth and heat everywhere

I have food all I need

But it's missing a heart

missing a soul

I walk these cramped corridors

Halls filled with sensitive ears that cannot hear

The old care about my life style but not care for it

Nowadays I am super busy pretending I work for a living

How I miss you Ventura. I was so ungrateful for everything.

This was the lie of coming back to my hometown.


Posted by redfoxbennaton - November 13th, 2023

It's pozzed cringeland for Tumblr normies now. Let's just stay on Newgrounds.

I imagine a world where I don't have to see feral furry art. Or anything. Just cool mechanical things and imagine a world where everyone is tough.

I may be a hypocrite but I don't really care. I'm self aware.


Posted by redfoxbennaton - August 4th, 2023

I hate mosquitos,

I hate Dark Souls 2

I hate Reddit

I hate stupid people

I hate bad people

I hate perverts

I hate delinquents

I hate team based sports

I hate social media

I hate bullies

I hate trolls

I hate going to work on the weekends

I hate mom telling me to do stuff

I hate math

I hate boiling in hot lava

I hate cancer

I hate AIDS

I hate Sonic 06

I hate Rush

I hate Bakersfield

I hate popular kids

I hate school shootings

I hate fomo

I hate YA fiction

I hate Hitler

I hate Lady in the Water by M Night Shamalan

I hate jealousy

I hate Bleach the anime


Take that Jannies and Twitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Posted by redfoxbennaton - June 23rd, 2023

Look, everyone is allowed to have opinions. Except for Nintendo fanboys because that's all they are.

Nintendo fanboys merely chew video games. They don't enjoy them to experience things. They just like games because they are "fun". That's cool but let's face it. Nintendo fans don't really care about their company's decisions. In fact they defend them.

No one really 'loved' the Wii. The Wii may seem innovative with it's motion controls. Nintendo fanboys don't care about Motion controls. Motion controls where just used to turn on the machine, baby. Just to open a GameCube game. This shit don't age well and you know that. The Wii only succeeded because of it's new found casual audience of babies and old people.

The Switch is full of half-hearted ports.

I don't even think they cared about the Nintendo DS touch screen either. Maybe for like 2 seconds.

What do they care about? Buying the same Pokémon and Mario Party over and over again. Only caring about new Smash reveals. Them turning out too be DLC.

Nintendo fanboys will overprice decade old games and defend the shut down of various emulation websites.

Nintendo exists too soothe their anxiety and that's it.

Today Mario fans may have been delighted by a remake of Super Mario RPG. Even the Mario movie.

But beyond that, I highly doubt that Nintendo fanboys or tendies would actually like the idea of a remake of anything over a decade old. Games that are so outdated that they would get a 2/10 on IGN.

So don't expect much from fanboys.



Posted by redfoxbennaton - June 22nd, 2023

If you are not a sure what an animation meme is you probably don't want to know but they aren't memes and they aren't animation. Just Gifs of gay little animals dancing around singing baby music by teenage femoids with daddy issues. This would be funny but really isn't.

First off ,Animation memes fucking suck because the music sucks and the memes suck. It's always Everytime we touch by Cascada.

Second of all don't even try to be edgy because these will never be cool or addicting. They have the worst fashion. Plur rave shit.

Not even funny.

Why oh why would you ever animate something so pitiful when you could be reanimating a scene from a book you read for school?

If I see you ever make animation memes or watch them. I will hit you.

Why it's so stupid and bad that I must catch on to it so I don't get bullied by toddlers.


Posted by redfoxbennaton - June 9th, 2023

A 30 year old man who hasn't touched grass since 2007, chronically online, complaining about fandoms, probably a brony, probably a Trekkie, zero bitches, jobless, consuming porn, center right liberal, barely creating anything noteworthy, making blog style reviews, all because he's autistic or something. If I'm like that I will kill myself. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!



Posted by redfoxbennaton - June 8th, 2023

Here is my ultimate plan to becoming more powerful on the internet and it's not going to be easy because I am no angel but here it is.

My plan involves 4 steps

  1. Art optimization- I will use reference in every art piece I make. I will use proportion, anatomy, perspective, shape, lines, color theory, space, unity, balance and more. It's not enough that I spam a bunch of worthless ugly shit. I have to make my art look fundamentally pleasing at all. These fundamentals can be taken for granted.
  2. Characterization, I shall utilize all my characters in my art game. I will express myself whatever the cause.
  3. I will draw fanart and post it
  4. pose 10 drawings a week. 2 drawings a day.
  5. I will promote myself in forums and places
  6. I will have contests and raffles.
  7. I will post funnies

This will all be so epic and beautiful that you can't even comprehend what I have in store. The social media algorithm has been repressing me for so long because I am a small town boy. Well we'll all show them. You and me. You can fall in suit. Not a shred of grass will be touched in the process.


Posted by redfoxbennaton - August 4th, 2022

In celebration of one of the best Anime of the early 2000's I am demaking the Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone complex intro.

This is in response to how fans thought that the CG intro looks outdated, uncanny, and gamey. I still love it.

For the past 2 years since the Pandemic I have been storyboarding, sketching and animating scenes. Do to be rushed I had to remake MANY scenes. Approximately 1000 frames.

The intro will be done mostly on 1's and 2's at 30fps.

The Tachicomas will be 2D and I will be singing the Inner Universe.



Posted by redfoxbennaton - August 3rd, 2022

For most of the 2000's people and before YouTube people indulged in flash media. It was the ultimate era of independent entertainment. Internet was not really a right as it is today.

Flash games where just epic and Chad compared to those pretentious indie games.

When I was 10 years old I embargoed on flash animated media with my mom. Her friends showed me Albino Blacksheep and it was just perfect from then on. There was a comedian talking about how bathrooms are uncomfortable. I don't know what that cartoon was but it was just hilarious. Full of bad words and sex. My mom would not allow me to see them.

That wouldn't stop me from viewing them though.

I enjoyed it all so much. Boy vs Robots, Mortal Kombat funnies, Neil Cicerega, Spoofmonkey, you name it. I watch. Spring of 2007 was one hell of drug.

I remember Animutations very fondly as this wacky world of Japanese music and lyrics.

Then there was the Barney Bunch. This would not fly by today. Incredibly homophobic and scatological. I'm certain this is what my mom yelled at me for in my internet history one day haha.

I once even got my dad to get my Hollywood friend to get me a compact disk of Flash 8. I would be sure to join the Flash craze. But never did because I wouldn't be allowed to.

Then I got competitive about enjoying flash cartoons and then outgrew it. Flash cartoons got really ambitious and epic.

Nowadays we have animation memes and those call back to those incredibly crappy funny animal animations with the rave music and anime styles. Just stick to porn guys

Quest for Ikambokem was my fave game.

Also Strawberry Alarm Clock was just awesome to.

Eventually by 2008 it felt as if everyone moved on from Flash media. Well mostly I did. This was do to a number of reasons. Nowadays I just do art.

But Flash media of the 2000's will be remembered with grand fondness.
